Saturday, January 26, 2019

Trumpocalypse Now: Impeach the MF

Here is the show where Cardi B runs, a Congressperson calls for "impeaching the motherfucker-- with help from Samuel Jackson, plus we hear from Pelosi, Noah, Colbert, and Anderson about "Let them eat Wall," Trump is the Grand Wizard, and we discovered 1957 Trackdown show "The end of the world" that is too surreal!  It's not a spoof.   New music from Cardi B, G Jones, and Pardison Fontaine - Backin' It Up, plus some FLYLO, LUKID, and other tweaked beats. (Tm)

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Trumpocalypse Still 2019

HERE is the show blasting into 2019 with our weird evil President, shutting down the country like the super villain Penguin, we remember the year in lies, Giuliani steers the car off the cliff, Chris Hayes tells us to "Ignore that Nonsense," President Bone Spur commands, and Michael Moore's New Year wish is for orange jump suits for the whole Trump crime family.

Brand new music from CloZee, Weav Beats, RTJ, and lots of old school Lukid, Loop Land, and more.
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